Our Eggs
What makes them different?
The taste difference between our eggs and eggs from the store are totally different! Our eggs taste a lot fresher because we collect, wash, package, and sell so quickly. Whereas, eggs from the store have been sitting there for weeks. Our eggs also have a different flavor from store bought eggs because our chickens are organic free range. They have lots of space to go out and eat whatever they can find rather than being kept in a small cage being fed the same feed every day.
What’s the living conditions of your chickens?
We have a few different chicken coops for them. They each have their own spot that they roost in every night. Some even sleep in our pepper tree up high! During the day they are kept in a big pasture and can fly out if they want to.
Who usually collects them?
Hudson collects them around noon and in the evening.
What’s different about your eggs and eggs in a supermarket?
Most eggs from the supermarket have been there for weeks. Ours are sold to our customers within a day or two. They are super fresh! Most eggs at the store are from caged chickens. They have poor living conditions compared to free range chickens. Our chickens are organic free range. Which means they can go out and eat whatever they can find on our farm. Bugs, worms, grass, seeds, and much more!
What is the time from collection to sale and how is that different?
The time from when we collect our eggs from when we sell them is about 1-2 days. Hudson collects eggs 2 times a day. Once he collects them, Madison washes and packages them. Allison helps stamp all our eggs cartons so the eggs are ready to be packaged up. We sell out of eggs just about everyday. Most of our eggs sell within a day that they’ve been laid. They are super fresh!